New Sewer Connection Procedure
1. System development charges must be paid at the Green Area Water & Sanitary Authority (GAWSA) office before DC Planning Worksheet will be approved by the GAWSA Sanitary Division.
2. Call 1-800-332-2344 or 811 for underground utility locates.
3. Install building sewers using the following recommended guidelines:
A. Pipe Material:
1) 4 inch Schedule 40 ABS pipe.
2) 4 inch Schedule 40 PVC pipe.
3) 4 inch ASTM D3034 SDR – 35 PVC pipe with rubber ring joints.
4) 4 inch ASTM D3034 SDR – 35 PVC pipe with ASTM D3034 glued joints.
B. Pipe Depth:
1) Minimum depth – 1 foot.
2) Minimum depth in driving area – 2 feet, rocked to surface.
C. Pipe Slope:
1) Minimum slope is ¼ inch per foot.
D. Cleanouts:
1) 4 inch cleanout within 2 feet of house.
2) 4 inch cleanout at property line.
3) 4 inch cleanout every 100 feet. This includes the standpipe.
4) 4 inch cleanout when you exceed 135 degrees in vertical or horizontal bends.
5) All cleanouts must be raised to surface of ground.
6) Provide yard boxes for cleanout access (traffic rated boxes in driving areas).
7) No sanitary tees.
8) No 90° bends (close). Long sweeps okay. Two 45s divided by 18 inches preferred.
E. Bedding Material:
1) ¾ inch minus crushed rock bedding: 4 inches under the pipe and 10 inches above the pipe.
F. Tone Wire:
1) Green insulated wire – 14 AWG or larger.
2) Bury tone wire with pipe and extend up each cleanout.
3) Use underground waterproof connectors for all splices.
G. Backwater Valve:
1) When rim of the next upstream manhole is higher in elevation than the lowest plumbing fixture (toilet, sink or shower), a backwater valve must be installed in the building sewer line.
2) The backwater valve must have access from the surface for maintenance. A yard box may need to be installed for access.
4. Call 541-679-6451 for an inspection before covering the pipe. Request GAWSA inspector’s direct contact to coordinate. A four hour notice is required.
5. All connections can be tested. Prior to final connection to the public system, it may be required to pass an air or hydro test on the installed materials.
The following is the recommended method of testing:
A. Air Test. The air test shall be made by attaching an air compressor testing apparatus to any suitable opening, and, after closing all other inlets and outlets to the system, forcing air into the system until there is a uniform gauge pressure of three and a half (3.5) pounds per square inch. The pressure shall be held without introduction of additional air for a period of at least five (5) minutes.
B. Hydro Test. Building sewers shall be tested by plugging the end of the building sewer at its points of connection with the public sewer or private sewage disposal system and completely filling the building sewer with water from the lowest to the highest point thereof, or by approved equivalent low-pressure air test. The building sewer shall be water-tight, test observed for one (1) hour. Concrete materials require a 24 hour preparation time for absorption.
New Sewer Connection Procedure.pdf